Embrace the power of remote management

Say goodbye to location constraints and experience real-time monitoring, cost savings, and seamless collaboration from anywhere with cloud-based remote managers. Maximize your operational efficiency and productivity by leveraging cutting-edge technology.


Our Sensor Integration Framework extends the functionality of regular Remote Managers by automated reception of sensor data, storage in a time series based database, data access via a WebUI or RestAPI, as well as an extended device and configuration management compared to Macchina.io.

The integrated Right & Role Management helps you to configure the distribution of information to the correct contactperson. This way, everyone stays informed.


Your Benefits

Secure Connection

Remote Access

Fast Installation

Flexible & Attractive



The secure tunnel-connection between the devices and the dmc remote server, as well as the connection between the client, your webbrowser and dmc-ssi are TLS-encrypted. 

Your devices are never exposed to the Internet, staying safe behind Firewalls or a Router. 

Access to the remote manager can also be secured via 2-Factor-Authentification (2FA) with time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs).

Cloud Enabled & Scalable

The remote manager typically runs on a virtual Linux-server or in a container and is deployable to any Cloud-provider of your choice.

If required, a load-balancing-setup can be activated to handle large amounts of data coming from simultaneously connected devices and user sessions. 

Device Management

The REST-APIs offer full access to the device-administration functions of the reflector server. This gives us the possibility to create and delete devices, review, configurate and delete device properties and search for new devices. 

Once you have configurated your preferred functions, you can save and deploy them to different devices at any given time. 

Right- and Role- Administration

dmc-ssi offers a flexible Right- and Role-Administration enabling total control over the access to devices and their ports. 

Lightweight Directory Access Protocols (LDAP) for User-Authentification as well as REST-APIs and Webhooks provide us with further possiblities to customize the application.  

For detailed information about the current capabalities of our Framework and corresponding requirements,
please contact us or refer to our latest product sheet. 

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Das professionelle Zeitstudienerfassungsgerät

Angewandte Ergonomie

Wir haben das ORTIM a5 speziell für den Einsatz als Zeitstudiengerät und zum Erfassen von Multimomentaufnahmen entwickelt – vereinfacht handelt es sich hierbei um eine große Stoppuhr.

  • intuitiv bedienbar
  • Touchscreen mit integrierter Handschrifterkennung
  • Formularblock mit zugeordneten Messtasten für Mitschrift auf Papier
Frei konfigurierbar
  • Anpassbar an jede Art von Zeitstudie und an jede Auswertungsregel; erlaubt alle Arten von Zeitaufnahmen bei Mehrstellenarbeit (zyklische und nichtzyklische Abläufe gleichzeitig aufnehmbar)
  • Planzeitcodes (PCOs) generieren aus Zeitaufnahmen Planzeitformeln
  • steckbare Tastatur mit integriertem Formularträger für umfangreiche Texteingaben

Anschließend können Sie unsere Software ORTIMzeit nutzen, um Ihre Zeitaufnahmen auszuwerten.

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