Industrial IoT

One step closer to a  sustainable future

Application Areas


Mechanical Engineering

Smart Factory

Many Challenges and One Solution

With a multitude of different vendors a wide spread of interfaces is to be expected, as it is one way to bind customers to ones company. This, of course, arises a challenge to overcome for smaller and medium sized  businesses as sometimes older, not yet digitized machinery is still actively in use. 

Our Smart Sensor Integration Framework helps these businesses by delivering a solution that allows them to integrate any commonly used interface into their infrastructure. Preinstalled bundles ease the implementation of new sensors or machinery, enable retrofitting and overall help companies to digitize their businesses.  

Without constant surveilance of the status of your machinery an unexpected breakdown of equipmentparts can create high maintenance costs and an absence of turnover as a result. 

To tackle this problem before it can arrise it is helpful to rely on data analytics to forecast equipment failure before it occures. This process is called “Predictive Maintenance”. dmc-ssi can assist your company to effectively implement predictive maintenance, so that your production never stops. 

With the collection of vast amounts of data through sensors and other digital tools, companies are understandably concerned about the privacy of their sensitive information. This could include proprietary manufacturing techniques, financial data, and personal information about their operations. 

This undermines the importance of a secure IT-Infrastructure. dmc-ssi offers a very safe way of transmitting the collected data to our management systems thanks to the implemented secure Datatunnel. This way only the manager himself can access the data.

IoT data management platforms can often be overwhelming. 
Filled with a mutlitude of information that might not be necessary in this instance or could even be distracting. 

Our Sensor Framework, dmc-ssi, comes with a Userinterface that was created together with the Low Code Plattform Mendix, a Siemens Business. We designed it in a way so that everyone can operate it easily, laying a specific eye on the user experience with a clearly arranged design and logical navigation through the menu. It is available as a desktop, mobile and tablet verison and can be customized to your personal desires and needs. 

Does this sound interesting to you?
Let's set up a meeting!

If you are interested in learning more about our Smart Sensor Integration Framework 
dmc-ssi or if you already have a clear idea of how you could leverage its potential in your business then get in contact with us now for a Live-Demo. 

For detailed information about the current capabalities of our Framework and corresponding requirements,
please contact us or refer to our latest product sheet. 

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