Embedded Software Engineering

Passionate embedded development 
since more than 30 years!

Embedded Software Engineering

Customized development with tradition

Embedded software engineering deals with the development and optimization of software that is specially designed for use in embedded systems. These systems consist of hardware and software that are closely interlinked and, unlike conventional software, are often designed for special tasks and limited resources.

The software must work efficiently, robustly and reliably to ensure the functionality of the system. This requires precise programming to make optimal use of available resources such as memory and computing power. Embedded systems are essential in many areas as they help to efficiently control, monitor and optimize complex tasks of such systems to ensure high performance and reliability.

With our decades of experience from cooperations with Tier 1 suppliers, we can provide you with optimal advice and support through our expertise in the areas of project management, tailoring and optimization of team capacities in terms of time, money and quality.

Technologies and Tools of the embedded world

Programming languages

C und C++
Python and Java


Embedded Linux

Middleware & Frameworks

POCO C++ Libraries
Google Protocol Buffers


Digital Signal Processors

Application areas of Embedded Software Engineering

Embedded software engineering is used in numerous industries and applications, as embedded systems are indispensable in many modern devices and machines. In all areas of application, it ensures the smooth and efficient control of devices and systems, often with high demands on safety, reliability and performance.

Industrial Automation


Internet of Things

Energy and Environment

Medical Engineering

Further areas of expertise:

Das professionelle Zeitstudienerfassungsgerät

Angewandte Ergonomie

Wir haben das ORTIM a5 speziell für den Einsatz als Zeitstudiengerät und zum Erfassen von Multimomentaufnahmen entwickelt – vereinfacht handelt es sich hierbei um eine große Stoppuhr.

  • intuitiv bedienbar
  • Touchscreen mit integrierter Handschrifterkennung
  • Formularblock mit zugeordneten Messtasten für Mitschrift auf Papier
Frei konfigurierbar
  • Anpassbar an jede Art von Zeitstudie und an jede Auswertungsregel; erlaubt alle Arten von Zeitaufnahmen bei Mehrstellenarbeit (zyklische und nichtzyklische Abläufe gleichzeitig aufnehmbar)
  • Planzeitcodes (PCOs) generieren aus Zeitaufnahmen Planzeitformeln
  • steckbare Tastatur mit integriertem Formularträger für umfangreiche Texteingaben

Anschließend können Sie unsere Software ORTIMzeit nutzen, um Ihre Zeitaufnahmen auszuwerten.

Fragen zum Produkt?

Hinweiß gemäß Batterieverordnung

Hinweis zur Rücknahme von Altgeräten